torsdag den 17. juli 2008

Stop Anders Fogh Rasmussen

I Facebook gruppen WHO's YOUR CANDIDATE? - Countdown to the 1st Presidential Election in 2009 har jeg skrevet foelgende lille indlaeg for at advare mod den katastrofale idé at give en EU-toppost til Fogh:

Say NO to Mr. Rasmussen, because:

1) He has made enough trouble already in the state of Denmark by dismantling human rights and promoting racism

2) His unconditional support for the idiotic and criminal colonial adventures of President Bush in Iraq makes him a dangerous person on any political post, let alone the number one spot in Europe

3) He has done absolutely nothing to promote Europe in Denmark. In fact his close cooperation with the neofascist party of Pia Kjærsgaard has set back the european integration for decades in this country.


Eigil Møller, Denmark

Husk ogsaa at skrive under paa erklaeringen her: Who's Your Candidate?

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