torsdag den 7. august 2008

Islamister tager afstand fra Al-Qaeda

Godt nyt her Al-Qaeda faces Islamist backlash . Hør fx:

"Oh, you young people, do not be deceived by the heroes of the internet, the leaders of the microphones, who are launching statements inciting the youth while living under the protection of intelligence services, or of a tribe, or in a distant cave or under political asylum in an infidel country.

"They have thrown many others before you into the infernos, graves, and prisons. Those who have triggered clashes and pressed their brothers into unequal military confrontations - are specialists neither in fatwas nor in military affairs."

Desværre har vi langt fra set enden på denne form for terror, dertil er der for mange kræfter som trækker den anden vej. Men når ideologerne begynder at sende nye signaler får det forhåbentlig en effekt inden for en overskuelig periode.

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